About Jill

About Jill

Jill_Segal_Headshot2I was born in Johannesburg, South Africa and immigrated to Canada in 1976. I received a B.A. degree in Speech and Hearing Therapy, from the University of the Witwatersrand, in 1974.

I have been drawing and painting since childhood and have studied at the Ontario College of Art and Design (OCAD) and the Haliburton School of Fine Arts. I have also taken numerous workshops with many prominent artists, including: Margaret Roseman, Lila Lewis Irving, Brian Atyeo, Gerald Brommer, Mary Todd Beam, Robert Burridge.

I am an elected member of the Society of Canadian Artists and signature member of the Toronto Watercolour Association.

I presently teach classes in acrylic painting and collage from my studio in Thornhill, Ontario and now on-line.


Artist’s Statement

For me, painting is a passion, an expression of the joy of life. My abstracted acrylic and mixed media paintings express my delight in and reverence for the natural beauty of the world around me. They are celebrations of all aspects of life, reflecting the inherent energy in and around us, and the interconnectedness of all things.

My style is bold, colourful and expressionistic. I love using collage and other interesting textures, to capture the essence of my subject matter. I manipulate the surface of the canvas, using a variety of media- acrylic paint, acrylic mediums, watercolour crayons, hand painted tissue papers, and Japanese papers. Scraping and imprinting with a variety of stamps, stencils and found objects provides an opportunity to explore unusual textures and elemental patterns.

The ocean has been a source of awe and inspiration for me since childhood. It represents, spiritual energy and life force as well as peace and tranquility.

My series of abstracted ocean and coral reef paintings is my attempt to express and interpret the beauty and feeling of power, motion, elemental rhythms and forces, mystery, textures and ever changing nature of the sea.

Through these paintings I hope to raise the awareness of the importance of saving the Oceans for future generations.

I love to travel and have journeyed to many of the sacred sites of the world. These, include awe inspiring places, often designated as Pilgrimage Sites” where I and others have experienced a feeling of transcendence and harmony with the Cosmos.  Many of these sacred sites have intriguing portals and passageways, symbolic of lifes cycles and transitions. I have been greatly inspired by the mystical and spiritual energy experienced in these places, also by the ancient carvings and petroglyphs found there. This inspiration is often reflected in my abstract paintings.

My art, like my life is not about the destination. It is about the process and the journey.

View My Work

Currently, you can view and purchase my work at the following places:

Art Provo, Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands,

Inspirations Artists and design gallery

Naples Art District

Saatchi on line gallery,

and my own studio in Thornhill.